Sunday, October 21, 2007

Robert's B-day

Guess how old?? And yes, the cake tasted as good as it looked!! Thank you Grandma!! No party would be complete without presents. Robert loves his trampoline. Uncle James gave him a BB Gun. They had a great time testing it!! We even had a marshmallow war. YEP!! Brett made marshmallow guns for all the kids (young and old) and then we let them just shoot each other with them - marshmallow bullets. It was an awesome afternoon with lots of fun.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Robert Soccer

Robert has started soccer again. He really enjoys himself. You can see by his expressions.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Don't they look handsome. We have three generations of Groome's here. Robert, Brett and his brother, James, and Gramps! Notice any similarities??? Ofcourse, once the suit and tie's come off, they had some down time playing in the pool. You do notice that Robert is the one always jumping or being thrown? I wonder why? It couldnt possibly be because he LOVES it!!

Brett and I were able to get to know our future sister in law. MichaelAnn is engaged to Brett's brother James. Ofcourse, Robert had to be sure that he got a picture with Uncle James.

We took a trip to Michigan to support Brett's cousin Heidi as she was married to Mathew. Here is a coupleof pictures of the Bride and Groom. Although, I have to say that my Groome's (yes that would be Brett and Robert) look awesome!! I may be a little biased.

Robert's 1st airplane ride. He had a blast. He sat at the window seat and would not let anyone else!!

Robert recieved his yellow belt at Karate. These are just some of the moves he has been taught. From top to bottom: front punch, outside center block, palm hill strike, up kick. The last 2 show Robert being presented with his yellow belt and his certificate of yellow belt. We are very proud of Robert.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Robert's 1st Hunting trip with Dad. This is from
Nov/Dec 2006

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Getting Ready for golf!!

Robert went on his 1st golf outing. He had a great time with dad. He fell out of the golf cart. But he has decided that he is ready to go again!! Think he will go pro??

Our Family - Brett, Deborah, and Robert

Monday, July 30, 2007

This is my brother and his family along with my mom. From left to right starting at bottom is:
Jeremiah, Mathew, Mary, Linda(my mom) David Alan and my brother Chris

This is my friend Joretta. I promise she is not a mystery person. She ius one of my dearest friends and I thnk God that he brought her to me.